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Stress Awareness Month – Our Top Four Stress-Busting Tips

Celebrate Stress Awareness Month with Stiltz Home Lifts’ four stress-busting tips! Learn how to break tasks into manageable steps, take breaks, think positively, and find relief through talking.

Stress Awareness Month - Our Top 4 Stress-Busting Tips
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Stress Awareness Month has been running every April since 1992. The aim is to raise awareness of what impact stress can have on you, and share the ways in which we can combat stress in everyday life.

According to the NHS, stress is the body’s natural reaction to when we feel under pressure or threatened. Generally speaking, a little stress is okay as it can help us focus more and meet the demands of work, family and friends. However, when stress becomes too much, it can start to affect our mood, relationships and actions that in turn can make us feel worse. We at Stiltz Home Lifts have jotted together the four little techniques we use deal with stress. It works for us – we hope it might work for you too!

1. Break up bigger tasks

Being presented with a large task can seem daunting at first. As we start to process all the elements involved, our minds can start to go a mile a minute, overthinking the amount of work we actually have to do. That is when the stress can start.

Firstly, take a step back, breathe and re-evaluate what you’re being asked to do. Once you have a clearer understanding, it is possible to then break the task down into smaller, more manageable, bitesize chunks. Writing out a ‘To Do’ list, even listing the individual steps which need to be taken, can make you feel much more organised and make the task feel much less onerous.

2. Step away

When stress is building, it is easy to feel trapped within the task. Take 20-30 minutes away from what you are doing. Get outside; going for a short walk can sometimes be enough to take your mind off the tasks at hand and give your mind and body respite before returning with a refreshed mindset.

3. Think positive

Getting wrapped up in negativities when you are already feeling stressed can compound the stress and impact you more than you realise. First thing’s first, no matter how small the accomplishment, take it as a positive. Whether it is ticking off the first thing on your ‘To Do’ list for a big project or just writing the list itself; these are all small positive steps towards meeting your objective. The feeling of being organised and in control encourages a healthier mindset in itself.

4. It helps to talk

Whether your stress stems from work, home or family, talking to someone and letting them know you’re struggling, can be a great relief. Just that little bit of external perspective can often ‘get you out of your own head’ and help put an air of calm into the situation, relieving some of the pressure you are feeling.

To read more about stress, visit the Stress Management Society’s website where you will find useful resources such as a Free Stress Guide and How to Reduce your Stress in Seven Days.

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