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Stiltz Home Lifts joins forces with highly-respected accessibility Architect to champion age-friendly homes

Stiltz partners with architect Emma Luddington to promote accessible homes, empowering homeowners to age in place safely and stylishly.

Stiltz Home Lifts joins forces with highly-respected accessibility Architect to champion age-friendly homes
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Emma Luddington, RIBA Chartered Architect and accessibility specialist, is now working alongside
Stiltz Home Lifts to provide expert insight and guidance on assisted living in the home.

Multi-award winning manufacturer Stiltz and its domestic Duo+ Trio+ home lifts provide safe access between floors for people struggling to use the stairs. As a popular alternative to old fashioned stairlifts, Stiltz Home Lifts offers safe and comfortable transfer, bringing many well-being and safety benefits. At the same time, the contemporary styling of the products can add value to a property. A domestic lift ensures homeowners can remain independent, avoid costly building work and enables them to continue to live in the home they love, even if mobility becomes challenging.

Home Accessibility

Stiltz Home Lifts believes in providing clear and objective information so the right decisions can be made when it comes to home accessibility. This is why the decision to work more closely with a specialist in homes for later living, was taken.

Smart Ready Homes

The concept of new homes being ‘smart ready’ and suitable for later life is rapidly gathering pace. Stiltz Home Lifts are delighted to be partnering with Emma Luddington RIBA and her home assessment consultancy, Living Well at Home. Together, they plan to influence trends, support homeowners and assist property developers in understanding how important it is to ensure those who are less mobile are able to continue living in areas where there are a mix of age groups and family types.

Ageing in Place

Endorsing the range of Stiltz domestic lifts, Emma says: “I’m delighted to be working closely with Stiltz so we can help more people age in place. I am pleased to introduce Stiltz Home Lifts to clients as I believe they provide a high quality and stylish asset to any domestic property. The vision of Living Well at Home is to provide adaptations that do not compromise aesthetics, yet offer practical safety and easier living solutions, perfectly reflected by the Stiltz range. Together, we have pledged to help educate everyone with an interest in home accessibility – from those futureproofing houses to homeowners in crisis.”

Inclusive Architecture

Emma Luddington has over 25 years’ broad experience in inclusive architecture, design and project management, strategic planning, policy development, housing governance and regulation. She has served as a built environment expert for the Design Council, non-executive director of Habinteg (accessible homes housing association) and co-chair of the National Register of Access Consultants (NRAC).

Age-Friendly Property Assessments

Emma now provides age-friendly property assessments which highlight suitable adaptations for homeowners, property developers and professionals such as interior designers, other Architects and those working in healthcare.

Ageing Population

Insightful signposting from businesses such as Stiltz and its domestic lifts is now even more important as the UK is facing a serious shortage of suitable housing. As our population ages, only 9% of homes currently have any kind of adaptation for better accessibility. This means safe and comfortable living could be severely under threat in years to come. By 2050, one in four people will be over 652 with a growing number of the population struggling to access upstairs living space. There is a tangible risk to health and safety with the possibility of an even bigger strain on the NHS and social care.

  1. Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government. 2. Office for National Statistics. 3. Inside Housing.

The choice to move to a bungalow will continue to be limited by a shortage of stock3 and later living apartment prices will increase with the growth in demand. Stiltz Home Lifts objective is to contribute to combat this major problem by supplying quality home lifts and qualified advice, underpinned by the independent endorsement of a well-respected later-living architect.

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