Issued 23rd March 2020
These are exceptional times. With coronavirus – Covid-19 – we all face an unprecedented global challenge. Stiltz Ltd. continue to review activities on a daily basis to comply with Government directives.
Stiltz is a proud member of the British Healthcare Traders Association (BHTA) though who we are co- ordinating industry efforts to continue to keep our customers mobile. Our priority is to ensure all current and prospective customers are able to maintain safe and independent access with the help of their homelift, as reduction of accidents within the home at this time will help reduce stress on the NHS hospital care system.
We will endeavour to provide the expected levels of service and support to those seeking a new homelift installation or those requiring lift service/maintenance, while being mindful to minimise risk and provide the levels of homecare our customers require.
We have therefore implemented additional processes to mitigate risk to you, our staff and the wider Stiltz community:
- As a matter of course, we will request confirmation that nobody at the property we are due to visit is unwell with Covid-19 or is defined as extremely vulnerable and in need of being shielded. If Covid-19 is present, or a person is deemed as extremely vulnerable, we will follow government advice.
- All customer visits will be subject to additional sanitation measures. Stiltz staff will wash or sanitise their hands prior to entering your property, and upon leaving. They will not offer to shake hands, and will maintain the prescribed 2 metre distance
- Regular health and safety bulletins will be issued to all office and field-based staff
- All field-based staff will be asked, on a daily basis, to confirm they are clear of symptoms prior
to commencing their working day
- All staff who fall ill with Covid-19 or who are self-isolating, will receive full pay during the
period they are indisposed.
Stiltz will closely monitor the situation and follow government advice at all times. Our priority is to manage customer and staff safety, whilst continuing to provide our customers with the necessary homecare support to ensure their valued independence.
Mike Lord
Chairman and CEO
Stiltz Ltd