Room with a view: Couple demolish Devon bungalow and turn it into incredible self-build home When David and Carol Simpson decided to move back to Devon to reconnect with their roots, little did they realise they would need to embark on their second self-build project...
Starring role! Ambitious homeowner installs lift in self-build home with stables underneath and features on TV When Barbara Neil purchased a 10-acre and cottage plot in Peebles, Tweeddale, Scotland for her ambitious self-build project she also needed to factor in a...
Freedom of movement: Retired policeman amputee gets his ‘life back’ after being unable to use the stairs Two years ago, retired policeman Brian Kendall had to have his leg amputated after it went septic following an operation below the knee. Along with the obvious...
Home sweet home: Couple discover way of delaying care home move and stay in home they love Alan and Joan Walker love the home they share together in Headington, Oxford and did not want to move. However, the stairs were becoming more difficult to tackle each day, so...
Future proofing: Lift helps widow stay in her beautiful home and remain close to friends and family “When you starting thinking about moving or downsizing, it’s really important to continue to live where you have friends, relatives and familiar surroundings. This will...